Since its inception in 2019, the Term Limits Initiative has served as a platform for civil society, constitutional experts, African Heads of State, and international partners to define a common vision for democracy, good governance, and respect for constitutionalism across the African continent. This page contains the seminal declarations drafted and ratified by Term Limits Initiative partners at the 2019 Niamey Summit on Constitutional Term Limits and the 2022 Gaborone Summit on Constitutionalism & Democratic Consolidation in Africa. Click below to view the contents of each declaration, download printable PDF versions, or join a growing community of signatories of the most recent declaration by signing your support for the initiative.
Gaborone Declaration
in Support of Constitutionalism and Democratic Consolidation
Gaborone, Botswana
July 8, 2022
NIAMEY Declaration
in Support of Constitutionalism for Democratic Consolidation and the Peaceful Transfer of Power
Niamey, Niger
October 4, 2019